Born in 1963, pho­to­graph­er Wil­helm W. Reinke often de­vel­ops his pho­to­graph­ic series as long-term pro­jects. The res­ult are works and texts that are both - char­ac­ter and con­tem­por­ary wit­nesses. The "light­paint­er" shows in ex­press­ive black-and-white pho­to­graphs his sens­it­ive ap­proach to the por­trayed people. Two of these pro­jects are the "Ber­lin Mo­ments" and the "NARRENBÄUME".

Dur­ing his time in Ber­lin, Wil­helm W. Reinke por­trayed 69 prom­in­ent con­tem­por­ar­ies over a peri­od of more than 10 years and asked them about their per­son­al views and stor­ies about Ber­lin and Ber­lin art. The res­ult­ing book shows the per­son­al­it­ies in sens­it­ive im­ages and the city in all its vi­tal­ity.

In the book NARRENBÄUME Wil­helm W. Reinke wants to fool us people that we are on the best way to des­troy our nature and thus the basis of our ex­ist­ence. Naked people in front of and some­times on huge trees, some­times in unity and some­times in con­trast to the ex­press­ive nat­ur­al monu­ments, al­lude to the vul­ner­ab­il­ity and de­pend­ency of both liv­ing be­ings. In his world­wide pho­to­graphed tree por­traits with de­per­son­al­ized people, he puts both nature and people in the right light. He stages mod­els in such a way that they tell a story in con­nec­tion with the de­pic­ted tree.