finared-FineArtEdition - Galerie für Photographie
finared-FineArtEdition Galerie für Photographie

finared - FineArtEdi­tion
Gallery for Pho­to­graphy

The gal­lery for pho­to­graphy of­fers pho­to­graphs of in­ter­na­tion­al artists as lim­ited edi­tions on high qual­ity pa­pers as well as print on alud­bond be­hind ac­ryl­ic glass.

Bild und Rahmen Benesch

Bild & Rah­men Ben­esch

In Mario Ben­esch's shop, it is im­me­di­ately ap­par­ent that crafts­man­ship is being worked on here. His shop is small - his cre­ativ­ity is huge.

Mario Ben­esch will find out with you which frame­work and which present­a­tion suits best to your art­work. He al­ways has a cre­at­ive idea that would not have oc­curred to your­self. And that at reas­on­able prices.