
  • Sculp­tures and pic­tures - Ateli­er­house Mädlervilla, Leipzig, Ger­many
  • The three graces - Ateli­er in the Ta­pet­en­werk, Leipzig, Ger­many


  • Pre­ci­oses - 19 artists show their view, Städtische Gallery Schwabach, Ger­many
  • The nude in art, Daetz-Cen­trum, Licht­en­stein
  • River Arts Stu­di­o­tour - H.E.R.O. Headquarter, Dobbs Ferry, New York, USA
  • Sum­mer Ex­hib­it - Torche´Galer­ie, Bel­mar, New Jer­sey, USA
  • Copy of the dev­ine - Lehm­haus­galer­ie, Ger­many
  • Copy of the dev­ine - Gallery art kapella, Leipzig, Ger­many


  • 2018 Janu­ary - NEW ArT 18 MESSE DRESDEN, Dres­den, Ger­many
  • 2016 Juni - NEW ArT 16 in Dres­den, Ger­many