Born in Crim­mitschau / Sax­ony

Her qual­i­fic­a­tion: Dip­loma of the pres­ti­gi­ous Academy of Art and Design Burg Giebichen­stein in Halle / Saale, since freel­ance artist­ic activ­ity in her own stu­dio, study trips to Cen­t­ral Asia, Eastern Europe, Italy, Switzer­land, Aus­tria and U.S.A

Head of Even­ing School of Fine Arts Merse­burg, Assist­ant Artist­ic Study at the Castle of Giebichen­stein

Her works: colored fig­ur­at­ive wooden sculp­tures with the artist­ic con­cern: through time, cul­tures and gen­er­a­tions in search of the com­mon in human being. In the al­most frozen mo­ment of the wooden sculp­ture the soul bring forth, the ma­ter­i­al an­im­ate. The ma­ter­i­al is car­ri­er for color and mes­sage. Start­ing from the me­di­ev­al carving altar, the an­cient Egyp­tian por­trait, the Roman and Renais­sance por­trait fig­ur­at­ive sculp­ture in con­text with room in­stall­a­tion, pic­ture, light. Con­cep­tions for play­grounds, design and ex­e­cu­tion of large game ob­jects in poly­es­ter resin.

Major works in pub­lic space: Han­del Hall, Neu­mark­tkirche Merse­burg, Riebeck­stifthalle, Euro­parosar­i­um Sanger­hausen, Heliosk­linikum Er­furt, Numer­ous wooden ob­jects and sculp­tures for so­cial in­sti­tu­tions, Numer­ous private works