Igor Amelkovich lives and works in Chelyab­insk in the south­ern Ural in Rus­sia. He stud­ied radio tech­no­logy at the South Ural State University and did his mil­it­ary ser­vice in the Soviet army near Vla­divos­tok in the late 1980s.

With pho­to­graphy he began in 1999. He is self-taught and has pre­vi­ously held no cam­era in his hand. His im­ages arise ana­log in me­di­um format with Has­sel­blad 503CW and Carl Zeiss lenses. This tech­nique he wants to con­tin­ue faith­ful in spite of the di­git­al vari­ety, be­cause it re­quires a steady ap­proach to pho­to­graph due to their weight. His motto: just use the tech­nique at each step, which en­sures the best res­ults. The me­di­um format re­quires a dif­fer­ent way to the screen lay­out. In ad­di­tion to the cam­era, he often used for stu­dio-work only one light source in order to set a model for his ideas in the scene.
Artist­ic­ally he has two pri­or­it­ies: land­scape pho­to­graphy and nude art pho­to­graphy. Nude in nature and in con­nec­tion with in­dus­tri­al tech­no­logy are his pre­ferred mo­tifs in ad­di­tion to some stu­dio sets. Par­tic­u­larly in the erot­ic pho­to­graphy work­ing meth­ods are im­port­ant in order to achieve res­ults styl­ish. So he sets out­doors more flashes or uses pulsed light to achieve his de­sired ef­fects. Not Pho­toshop is his ele­ment of design but the per­fect know­ledge and mas­tery of the light­ing situ­ation.

For him, a woman is con­cen­trated beauty of nature. He loves to work with self-con­fid­ent women and cap­ture their beauty. For him, a woman must be in­ter­ested to be pho­to­graphed and to en­gaged in the fas­cin­at­ing and in­ter­est­ing pro­cess of image pro­cessing. For this reas­on, he prefers to pho­to­graph with women of his ac­quaint­ance - his
first model was his own wife Tanya. There­fore he spe­cial thanks to his mod­els, who are the co-au­thors of his works and of which there are no pho­tos from other pho­to­graph­ers. In his book "Land of Erot­ic Beauty" many works from the peri­od 2002-2011 can be seen.

His works have re­ceived nu­mer­ous awards in re­gion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al ex­hib­i­tions.

Some of his work you can buy as lim­ited ed­tion on ba­ryta-paper or as print on aludibond be­hind ac­ryl­ic-glass at erot­icARTist.