I must be the luck­i­est man alive. I not only get to meet and pho­to­graph the world's most beau­ti­ful women, but when I'm not in the stu­dio or on loc­a­tion I fly Chinook and Huey heli­copters for the Itali­an army!

My pas­sion is to cap­ture and share the sen­su­al beauty of the fe­male form. The fe­male nude is, for me, nature's finest gift. I am so moved by this aes­thet­ic that I try to trans­late what I feel into still im­ages. I don't use many mod­els as I prefer to form spe­cial work­ing re­la­tion­ships with just a few. I think this is the most im­port­ant part of tak­ing a great pho­to­graph. I have very spe­cial feel­ings for my mod­els and they for me. A re­cipe of trust, un­der­stand­ing, hu­mour and friend­ship al­lows my mod­els and I to relax, to relax in such a way that my cam­era be­comes simply a tool for cap­tur­ing the mo­ments we share. Many people ask me wheth­er I am a ro­mantic when they see my pho­to­graphs. I take this as a great com­pli­ment. It means that I por­tray women in the right light. I am ro­mantic and in front of such ex­traordin­ary beauty I want to cre­ate po­etry with my cam­era.